A restaurant-styled dish of Chinese sweet and sour whole fish is easy to do at home! This is prepared with a whole fish, coated and fried twice for a crispier...
Grated zucchini, anchovies, garlic, and a splash of pasta water create a summery, umami-packed sauce for gemelli. Salty Pecorino Romano and fresh mint...
When you want something different for a weeknight dinner but need to use up pantry staples, try this easy shrimp linguine. Fragrant Thai curry paste and...
This Southern dish gets south-of-the-border flavor from a chipotle chile and a bit of its smoky adobo sauce. Refrigerate leftover chipotles in adobo in...
This dish is incredibly flavorful and unbelievably simple. Soy sauce and orange juice permeate the fish, while toasted-sesame oil gives it a nutty accent....
This superfood salad combines omega-rich salmon, lentils, Greek yogurt, and a warming curry vinaigrette to create a nutritious and totally delicious weeknight...
Whipping up this Thai-inspired curry is faster than waiting for takeout. The secret? Teaming quick-cooking ingredients including fresh shrimp, frozen peas,...
The sauce in this recipe is ubiquitous along Italy's western coast, where I ate it spooned over a thinly sliced fish steak titled Pesce Spada alla Griglia....
As this this easy and elegant recipe for roasted wild salmon demonstrates, fennel with seafood is a match made in food-pairing heaven. Salmon fillets are...
Whole fish (such as this butterflied trout or pink-fleshed arctic char) are as easy to poach as fillets. This recipe works with almost any variety. Serve...
An oven-simmered stew of clams, shrimp, and flaky white fish cooked makes a light, warm-weather dinner. The recipe calls for striped bass but cod, haddock,...
Grilling fish is easy -- just follow our pointers and you're sure to get great results. For a meal that's ready in minutes, serve the fish in a simple,...
Mussels take on a lusty new accent when steamed in fruity red wine infused with roasted garlic and thyme. A green salad and hunks of crusty bread complete...
Creamy cannellini beans, sauteed with rosemary and lemon zest, provide a fragrant and delicious bed for steamed salmon in this easy and delicious weeknight...
In this recipe, lemongrass leaves its unmistakable tangy lemony taste while red chiles, garlic, coriander, and lime do their part to give the marinade...
Using light mayonnaise and lime juice in the dressing considerably reduces the calories and fat in this salad. Chili powder adds spice to the shrimp. This...
The hearty, meaty nature of a swordfish steak makes it ideal for grilling. Its mildly sweet flavor is complemented here by a lively herbed sauce. This...
Shrimp is easier to prep than lobster but still special-occasion-worthy. Dressed with mayo that's been fancied up with lemon, tarragon and scallions, it's...